Ever wonder what it would be like to have a roof or a veranda that did not leak?
Well, the best waterproofing product you can purchase for this problem is the WaterKote manufactured by Kote Products.
The problem today is that there are so many products that claim they can fix the problem, some companies boast of the hydrophobic properties their products has however the thing they don't tell you is that either their product is hazardous to your health and thus requires special protective gear that you have to wear or dangerous chemicals to clean your tools with OR the more prominent issue is that the product is not user friendly. Far too often do customers speak about applying a product only for it not to function in the way it was advertised and then they get the silent treatment or get blamed because they didn't follow this or that step... OR even worse is when the company reimburses you for the product but that doesn't solve the mess that YOU now have to clean yourself!
Something that is Eco-friendly and easy to use for everyone.
Most households do not need a contractor to apply Kote's waterproofing product known as WaterKote. All you would need to know is how to use a paintbrush and voila, you can apply this product to anything or anywhere that you need.
But for those who have a busy schedule there are many ways you can have the work done for you. If you have a contractor simply ask them to get in touch with Kote Products to learn more OR get in touch with the people there yourself and they can guide you to a contractor that knows how to use WaterKote properly.
WaterKote is quickly becoming the number one best waterproofing product in South Africa. The reason for this is because you get excellent service and advice when you contact the people at Kote AND you also get a product that has been tested and used on many roofs all over Southern Africa. From flat apartment roofs to tiled roofs found on most homes and even the metal sheeting found on warehouses, factories and even other small houses.
Another great thing about the WaterKote product from Kote is that you can apply it to almost ANY surface!
The most common calls that are received are about leaking roofs. But WaterKote is not used only for that area! You can apply this magical product on to surfaces like veranda's that sit above your living room or bedroom, you can apply it to your garage or outdoor patio area, you can even apply it to areas in your bathroom to help protect the grouting from causing leaks into the room below.